String Manipulation and the String Handling Functions

The tutorials in this section cover working with strings and introduce some of the VBScript string manipulation functions. These are very important in ASP because they are used when dealing with user input from forms, with databases and when generating dynamic HTML content.

Using the Len function - Finding a string length.

How to find the length of a string. The Trim, LTrim and RTrim functions are introduced to remove leading and trailing spaces. More...

Adding strings together

Adding strings together and avoiding an annoying error. More...

Using the Split function - Removing a substring from a string

The Split function is used to remove a file name and an extension from a path. The LBound and UBound functions are introduced. More...

Using the InStr function - Finding occurrences of a substring

The InStr function is used to find the occurrence of a character within a string and also to count the total number of ocurences of the character. The Left, Right and Mid functions are introduced. More...